Thursday, July 18, 2013

Cock Cola

Cock Cola: Legend of the name is that an old couple on a farm used to drink lots of Coke. Coke changed the recipe, grandma hated it, so grandpa made his own cola. Called it Cock Cola since the chickens and cock like to peck at it. Nice story. Ultimately, this is a Rocket Fizz soda, under the RBC LLC. Leaving out all my cock puns... think I used them up with Cockta. 

The bottle claims "strong cola taste". Distinct cola smell, though not strong. Yes, its tastes like cola, but its another unremarkable cola. Could have poured Coke or Pepsi in the bottle, slapped the Cock Cola label on, and sold it. Has no particular strong or different taste. Maybe I've just had Pepsi so often my tastes are dulled. Only cola that comes to mind as being different and better is Sprecher's Puma Cola. I'll drink it if you give it to me, but not going to buy again. 

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