Friday, July 5, 2013

Avery's Totally Gross Soda Kitty Piddle

The story behind Kitty Piddle: Avery hosts tours of the factory, geared towards kids, though it does mention family outings. People are allowed to mix the syrups, and make their own sodas. You get to take home 3 bottles, after being bottle and capped. The whole totally gross line comes from this program. There are 6 flavors, I'm going to leave the names as a surprise for future days.

Kitty Piddle is a golden color that does resemble well, piddle. The scent is a very citrusly flavor. Not really an one particular fruit that stands out, but is a very nice scent.The taste is light, citrus but you can pick out the pineapple. This is a very nice favor.  Drinks easy, very smooth, very tasty. Liked drinking this soda. I'll drink and buy again.

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